Greetings I had hopes of trying to build up another website for the summer season but it just has not happened! With that in mind I have decided to start blogging on here again. I still have my flickr page which I will continue to post my work on and each time I blog I will just post the link to that page with the photos from that day added to flickr! Still feel free to swing here though to see what is on my mind, and to see what products I have for sale! Again if you are interested in purchasing an item just email me with the product you are interested in with the photo number from flickr! For example a 5x7 of Light #88.
I will be down at Heritage Days again this August. Products will include 5x7, 8x10, 13x19 prints. I will have a Scituate Light Calendar available for order, as well as a photo book capturing the great New England Blizzard of 2013. In addition to these items I will be offering select canvas wraps in a variety of sizes!
Tonight brings the Super Moon of 2013 check back soon to see if it worked out!