Sunday, March 20, 2011

Super Moon Day 2

We really lucked out tonight for a second night in a row with perfect viewing weather for the super moon.  Tonight I wanted to try and go for a longer exposure of the moon that would have given off some good light with some reflection on the water.  Things did not work out as the moon came up in a little different spot than I had planned.  I should have checked my app on my IPOD, but it totally slipped my mind.

When you get all set up and then have to adjust on the fly, it’s only a short period of time and things are crazy.  To make a long story short I did not get what I was after.  As I have said I am learning more everyday when it comes to this and what went wrong tonight taught me a few things.  First even though the long exposure did not work out, I moved away from the longer shutter speeds so I did not have to use my tripod as camera shake was no longer an issue.  Moving to a faster shutter speed actually brought out a deeper color in the moon and I was able to see more detail on the surface itself.  As I mentioned last night you have to remember the moon is very bright especially this moon and that can really affect the photo in many ways.

In all it was a great weekend with the super moon.  I threw in a sunrise photo of the lighthouse form this morning as well, even though I take a good number of shoots from this spot it never seems to get old!

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