Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Storm

A late season coastal storm impacted the region Thursday night into the start of Friday.  The storm came with a mix of rain and snow.  Some spots received just over half a foot, especially in Worcester County where Fitchburg checked in with 8 inches.  Here in Scituate we got maybe an inch and a half or so, mostly on the grassy surfaces.  It was actually more then I thought we were going to get.  With any coastal usually comes some good picture opportunities.

It was tough today because even though the storm had subsided for the most part there was a constant drizzle which made it difficult to actually get out of the truck for an extended time without damaging the camera.  Also the drizzle and fog made visibility less then ideal for great pictures, but its a Nor' Easter and no one said the visibility was going to be great!

The other aspect that was a disappointment was there was not much in the way of powerful winds with this storm.  When you get the strong winds that is when you get your waves over 10 feet and that was just not happening today.  It is April first and the days of coastal storms are numbered, with a little luck maybe we can get one or two more as they provide some of the better photo opportunities!

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