Thursday, July 21, 2011

HDR Scituate Light

Finally went ahead and purchased the photomatix program.  In short the program converts a series of photos at different exposures and blends them into one detailed photo.  I am going to try and do more of these photos, but I thought I would share one!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hazy, Hot and Humid Moon

It was a true New England scorcher today!  I think that is what I love the most about New England is the extremes of the weather, you get days like this, then in January we will have sub zero wind chills with a howling Northeast wind!  Anyway I had noticed the past few nights that the new moon is in the process of moveing toward the first quarter, the only problem was the past few nights when I noticed the moon was in the process of setting and sliped below the tree line so I was not able to get a photo.  I took this photo right from my backyard nothing special, I just thought it looked cool!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Minot Light Sunrise

I don't get many  mornings where I can actually dig in and take my time with trying to capture a good sunrise photo due to my work schedule.  Come to think of it the only morning where I have the time is Saturdays, with that in mind I decided to head out and see what I could come up with.  My intent was to drive over to Sandy Beach in Cohassett and try and get some decent shots of Minots light from a different vantage point other then Minot's Beach.  As I was heading over there I could not help but notice that there were going to be some good shots with more to them if I set up shop in the Atlantica Restaurant parking lot.  I thought these came out fair, the only problem this morning was the mosquitos were out in full force!