Sunday, July 7, 2013

National Weather Service Photo Contest

As many know I am a huge weather weenie especially when it comes to winter weather!  With that in mind when the summer rolls around I just suck it up and get through the 8-12 week period until fall.  The National Weather Service in Taunton had a summer photo contest.  Basically what it was you submit your summer photo scene to there FB page then they would choose the best 20 photos to be put into an Album where the followers of there FB page would "Like" there favorite photos.  After a period of time the 3 photos that had the most likes would be the winners!  I submitted one of my sunset photos of the light and was able to take home 1st place!  My photo was the cover page for the National weather service FB page, twitter page and local climate page for the entire month of June!  The winners also get to take a tour of the NWS in Taunton!:)

Hingham MA Fireworks

I have taken a few firework photos in the past but never anything to serious just messing around more or less.  This year I wanted to try and get some decent photos!  As always the best show around is hands down the one in Boston but the fact is that was more effort than I was willing to go through, between travel, crowds etc...  With that in mind I decided to take in the Hingham Fireworks which were last night and here are a few of the better ones!

 Firework 1

 Firework 2

Firework 3

Super Moon Success!

The Super Moon of 2013 worked out nicely!  I went right down the road to Minot Beach where an American Flag has been put on one of the rocks.  Thanks to my handy sun/moonrise app on my phone I was able to get myself in a good position to get the photo I was after.  This time of year brings a lot of haze and to say the least I was a little nervous but in the end the moon emerged and it was an amazing site as always!

 Super Moon 1

Super Moon 2